
Mi foto
Riga, Latvia
Claudio A. Rivera, MBA, Ph.D. Claudio grew up in Argentina , but he is based in Latvia since 2004. Most of his career has been developed in consulting, training and research at companies and organizations like Elevator International, Turiba Business School, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga , Euromonitor International, Cisco Networking Academy and IAE (the best Business School in Latin America ) Claudio has a long track of experience in consulting at the IT, NGOs and HR sectors.

Products, Programas and Services

Currently available products:
1- Assessment tools: 360° Feedback, MBTI®
2- Individual (one-to-one) leadership coaching for senior managers and executives.
3- Team and group focused leadership coaching solutions.
4- Open-enrollment and customized coaching skills workshops and programmes.
5- Executive Leadership Excellence®– for managers and team leaders, focuses on the core competencies needed for lead effectively and work through others.